팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.


We will provide the best solution for the company and

the best satisfaction for the customers based on the challenge, creativity, and expertise.


  • HiveQueuePlus

    All-Around View Monitoring solution supporting all

    system interfaces, system resources, network, and

    database integration monitoring

    Real-time fault monitoring, interface performance

    monitoring, log file integrated management and

    privacy security, end-to-end monitoring

  • HiveQueuePlus Agent

    B2Bi solution that supports data between companies

    in two-way communication to create a common

    format between different companies to smooth work

  • X-Connector

    ESB solution that enables various information linkage

    Enable easy and fast development and real-time

    integrated monitoring of servers and interfaces

    with WEB-based IDE

  • Open Source

    Leverage a variety of open sources such as

    Elasticsearch, ActiveMQ, and Camel to build systems

    and provide solutions

  • EAI / ESB

    Establishing a stable connection and environment

    for complex and diverse information systems in

    various industries, including public, financial,

    manufacturing, and telecommunications

  • Monitoring

    Integrated monitoring across a vast array of

    IT disciplines, with a convenient interface and

    upgraded performance to provide reliable

    monitoring solutions


504, IT Mirae Tower, 33,

Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu,

Seoul, 08511, KOREA




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